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Our Timber

At Victorian Front Door Company, we're dedicated to excellence, and that's why we've chosen Accoya wood exclusively for our distinctive doors and architectural elements. Accoya wood brings a unique combination of durability, longevity, and captivating aesthetic appeal, making it the perfect choice to enhance your home.

Unmatched Durability: Accoya wood goes through a special acetylation process, making it exceptionally robust, resistant to rot, and impervious to harsh weather conditions. This guarantees that your investment in our Accoya wood products will stand the test of time.

Exquisite Beauty: Our Accoya wood doors and architectural elements not only promise durability but also showcase stunning beauty. The wood's rich, natural appearance adds an element of elegance and charm to any home, creating a lasting impression on guests and passersby.

Sustainable Choice: We are committed to environmental responsibility, and Accoya wood shares this commitment. Sourced from sustainably managed forests, it ensures that your choice is eco-friendly. Its longevity also means fewer replacements over time, contributing to reduced overall waste.

Versatile Selection: Whether you're looking for an elegant London front door, exquisite windows, or unique architectural features, our range of Accoya wood products offers versatile solutions to meet your specific needs and preferences. Make the enduring beauty and sustainability of Accoya wood a part of your home's timeless upgrade.

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Tricoya Panels

We're excited to introduce a special feature that makes our craftsmanship stand out – Tricoya panels. These engineered panels showcase our dedication to quality when creating our period front doors. What makes Tricoya panels unique is their advanced acetylation process, making them highly resistant to rot, decay, and changes due to moisture. Your Victorian front door with Tricoya panels will remain in great condition, enduring London's unpredictable weather. Tricoya panels are exceptionally stable, not affected by moisture, ensuring your front door stays perfect throughout the seasons. They also offer excellent insulation, adding to a cozy and energy-efficient home. We're proud to be among the few in London using Tricoya panels in our door designs at Victorian Front Door Company. Choosing a Victorian front door with Tricoya panels is more than a choice; it's an investment in craftsmanship, lasting quality, and your home's resilience. Feel the difference Tricoya panels bring – a blend of tradition and modern innovation in your front door.

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